Communication as a new challenge
When leadership takes place at a distance, not only communication changes, but also the required leadership style. How can companies ensure successful communication despite distance? This can only be achieved if managers are taken along in this process of change and actively adapt their leadership style to the new situation.
To do this, it is important to understand how leadership changes due to distance and what this means for cooperation and the communication that goes with it.
Even before the Corona pandemic, a change in communication channels and a flexibilisation of the working world could be observed due to increasing digitalisation and the use of modern information and communication technologies. In addition, in recent months many companies have been faced with the challenge of successfully continuing business operations while the majority of employees have had to pursue their activities in a home office.
The use of new technical processes and tools brought with it new requirements. But more importantly, companies were faced with the major task of adapting communication, leadership and interaction to these new challenges.
Home office, video conferencing and virtual work structures pose completely new challenges for management and its communication: Managers have to change significantly and make a shift from direct to indirect control, as the usual communication with their staff is no longer available. The possibility for direct instructions or spontaneous assistance in the fulfilment of work tasks is eliminated.
Managers must increasingly embrace agile project work, flat hierarchies and flexible role models in teams and model the necessary speed and adaptability to new challenges. The pandemic requires the right kind of communication as well as the right degree of leadership. Appropriate, flexible and honest communication in the crisis is the key to a successful change process.
DIANIUM Solution