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Agile business management

Working according to agile principles

Agile management as well as agile working means striving for adaptability. Working in an agile manner requires being guided by certain principles and values with the overarching goal of becoming adaptable. This is because adaptability and flexibility ensure that changes can be responded to successfully and that this ability can become the company's competitive advantage over its competitors. A fundamental understanding of agile principles is a prerequisite for the promising implementation of agile management.

A principle describes generally applicable principles or guiding principles which form the basis of one's own actions and behavior. Agile principles form the basis for the way of thinking and behavior that enables agile management and agile collaboration. Three fundamental principles of agile work form the basic building block for this:

  1. People are more important than processes and tools

  2. Actively responding to change is more important than following a plan

  3. Respectful and transparent collaboration with each other and with the customer

Long process chains, rigid hierarchies, long release and approval processes are the obstacle to agile and flexible working in many companies. The rules of the game of such rigid process chains leave little room for change or new insights. Companies that are already working in an agile manner are able to react more quickly to changes, above all, because the rigid processes here are freer and more detached. The employee or manager of the respective area is in the foreground and bears the responsibility and decision-making power to be able to react actively and quickly to new insights or unexpected problems.

Agile methods and principles also create transparency both internally and externally. For the customer, but also for the employees, process flows become visible and transparent, which can lead to a cooperation based on trust, transparency and respect.

These three principles represent guiding principles that enable successful agile management as well as agile work.

DIANIUM Solution


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